Team management & coaching staff

Nog een paar dagen en dan vliegen we naar Budapest voor de Europese kampioenschappen. We zijn erg trots dat we al het geld binnen hebben kunnen halen voor deze fantastische ervaring! We hadden dit nooit kunnen bereiken zonder alle hulp van ons management en coaching team! Heel erg bedankt voor al het harde werk van afgelopen jaar!

— English —

Just a few more days and we are flying to Budapest for the European Championships. Extremely proud we managed to get all the funds together and are able to go for a wonderful experience!We could have never done this without the support of our management & coaching team. Please give a shout for all the work they put in over the last year!



Jeugdlacrosse Toernooi Amersfoort

Zaterdag 4 juli heeft de jeugd in Amersfoort op een hele leuke manier kennis kunnen maken met lacrosse. Lionel, Jelle-Eric en Jelle van het Mdnt hebben clinics gegeven en teams gecoached waardoor de kinderen een super dag gehad hebben!

On Saturday the 4th of July, the youth in Amersfoort had the opportunity to get to know the sport of lacrosse in a very fun way. Lionel, Jelle-Eric and Jelle of the Men’s Dutch National Team held clinics and coached teams, giving them a wonderful day!










MDNT trainings weekend 7 & 8 February

Another amazing weekend in Nijmegen with a great turn-out of 20+ players on both days! It was a very productive weekend with a lot of enthusiasm and hard work from all players. The coaches (Owen Zachariasse & Erik Vogels) gave a lot of personal attention to the players to get everyone to the next level. On Sunday the weekend ended in a scrimmage applying all the new learned skills with new referees.

Lets make the next MDNT trainingsday (7 March, 2015) even better then this one!







MDNT trainingsevent 10/11 Jan

Coaches on saturday: Jared Fotis and Peter van Vliet
Coach on sunday: Peter van Vliet.

Next trainingevent: FEBRUARY 7 & 8 DON’T MISS IT !
(event will be announced this week)





