Introducing Aaron Vanderhorst

Name: Aaron Vanderhorst
Position: Attack
Currently playing at: Nanaimo Timbermen
Played at: Too many to name

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live? What do you do in daily life? When did you start playing lacrosse?

Hi my name is Aaron Vanderhorst. I live in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada on Vancouver island. I started playing lacrosse here in Nanaimo at 6 years old. I grew up playing strictly box lacrosse but started playing field as well as box when I was 17. I have competed many times over the years at the provincial and national level here in Canada in both field and box lacrosse.
I first travelled to the Netherlands and competed with the Maastricht club team at various tournaments in the summer of 2003. After that I joined the newly formed Dutch National team in its inaugural international tournament, as a player/coach at the EC in Prague in 2004. Then again as a player in Canada at the World Championships in 2006.
Unfortunately after that, my job as an electrician and my involvement in the family fishing business made it too difficult to join in 2008 and beyond.
Since then however, I have stayed active in box lacrosse locally playing Senior A for the Nanaimo Timbermen and Victoria Shamrocks. And most recently for the Nanaimo Senior B Timbermen whose lighter schedule allows me greater flexibility with work schedules and being able to spend more time with my young family.
Though I live on the southwest coast of Canada, I commute to work for weeks at a time as an electrician on various projects in northern Canada. Right now I am currently working at an underground hydro dam. Right in the middle of bear country up by the Alaska panhandle.

Congratulations with your spot on the team! What was the first thing you did when you heard?

Pinched myself, and then called my lawyer.

What are you most looking forward to in Denver?

Reuniting with old teammates/friends. And getting the chance to make new ones and compete/win with them.

What are your expectations for Denver?

Start strong and build team chemistry through the tournament. Improve both individually and as a team with every game.

How do you interpret “Destination Denver and Beyond”?

Building towards the tournament but also having the long term success of the team in mind.

Aaron Vanderhorst