Introducing Jelle-Eric de Vries

Name: Jelle-Eric de Vries
Position: Midfield
Currently playing at: HTHC Hamburg Warriors
Played at: Amsterdam Lions, MDNT ’10, ‘12

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live? What do you do in daily life? When did you start playing lacrosse?

I live in Hamburg, Germany. I moved here last September for an exchange semester and stayed longer to do more studying, lacrosse and enjoy Hamburg. I study Innovation Management at the TU Eindhoven. At the moment I am working on my master thesis and hope to graduate in August.

I started playing lacrosse in 2008 for the Amsterdam Lions. In 2010 I played at the World Cup in Manchester and in 2012 I played in Amsterdam at the European Championship. Last September I moved from Amsterdam to Hamburg and started playing here for the HTHC Hamburg Warriors. We are currently competing for the Deutsche Meisterschaft!

Congratulations with your spot on the team! What was the first thing you did when you heard?

I checked with my younger brother to see if he made the team! After that I went out to celebrate with the other national team players who play for the Warriors (a Finnish guy and two Germans).

What are you most looking forward to in Denver?

I’m really looking forward to play with the Orange again; especially looking forward to play in orange with my younger brother. The Dutch team is a great team to play for. I’m hoping for exciting games and making it as far as possible into the tournament

What are your expectations for Denver?

To compete at the highest possible level. Give it our all and look back with pride.

How do you interpret the 2014 MDNT motto “Destination Denver and Beyond”?

As a great plan to ensure future lacrosse in the Netherlands. This program will make sure that further national teams will be well guided, well coached and reach the highest level possible.

Jelle-Eric de Vries