Introducing Kyle Hofstaedter

Name: Kyle Hofstaedter
Position: Attack
Currently playing at: Assistant Coach at Eastern University
Played at: Saint Joseph’s University

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live? What do you do in daily life? When did you start playing lacrosse?

I am from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and I am the assistant men’s lacrosse coach at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. My mother is from The Netherlands, which qualifies me to play for the Dutch National Team. This will be my 4th tournament with the team.

Congratulations with your spot on the team! What was the first thing you did when you heard?

I asked my wife if I could leave for a month to play in the tournament.

What are you most looking forward to in Denver?

Bonding with the team and placing better than 8th which is what we ended up in the 2010 World Championships.

What are your expectations for Denver?

I expect to play a Blue Division team again and competing for 8th place or higher.

How do you interpret “Destination Denver and Beyond”?

Denver is the short-term goal for Dutch Lacrosse. We want to do the best we can in Denver and place better than we have before, but we also want to grow the sport of lacrosse in the Netherlands long term. This is just one step in the right direction.

Kyle Hofstaedter