Introducing Lionel van Est

Name: Lionel van Est
Position: Defense
Currently playing at: Groningen Gladiators
Played at: MDNT ‘12

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live? What do you do in daily life? When did you start playing lacrosse?

Hi! My name is Lionel, I’m a 24 year-old student and I live in Groningen. I study Nutrition and also Communication-systems. In my spare time I like to go to the gym, play lacrosse and during summer and spring I also like to play golf once in a while. Oh.. and I love to eat.. I’ve been playing lacrosse since I was 18 and ever since my goal was playing for the national team. After four years my hard work paid off and I was selected for the national team during the European Championships in 2012. My goal now is to keep developing as a player and enjoy playing the sport I love at the highest level possible.

Congratulations with your spot on the team! What was the first thing you did when you heard?

When I saw the email about making the cut, I was on my bike from practice. The first thing I did was check if some of my friends made the team.

What are you most looking forward to in Denver?

What I’m most looking forward to is dress in ‘Orange’ and hear our national anthem. Representing my country is a great honour and being there and hearing the anthem will definitely give me the chills.

What are your expectations for Denver?

I expect to bring our best to Denver. We will bring the best team The Netherlands ever did and we will show the world that we are a serious threat.

How do you interpret “Destination Denver and Beyond”?

I think the program is doing a great job looking in to the future. This program is not only about one tournament, but also about developing lacrosse in our country.

Lionel van Est