Introducing Lionel van Est

Name: Lionel van Est
Position: Defense
Currently playing at: Groningen Gladiators
Played at: MDNT ‘12

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live? What do you do in daily life? When did you start playing lacrosse?

Hi! My name is Lionel, I’m a 24 year-old student and I live in Groningen. I study Nutrition and also Communication-systems. In my spare time I like to go to the gym, play lacrosse and during summer and spring I also like to play golf once in a while. Oh.. and I love to eat.. I’ve been playing lacrosse since I was 18 and ever since my goal was playing for the national team. After four years my hard work paid off and I was selected for the national team during the European Championships in 2012. My goal now is to keep developing as a player and enjoy playing the sport I love at the highest level possible.

Congratulations with your spot on the team! What was the first thing you did when you heard?

When I saw the email about making the cut, I was on my bike from practice. The first thing I did was check if some of my friends made the team.

What are you most looking forward to in Denver?

What I’m most looking forward to is dress in ‘Orange’ and hear our national anthem. Representing my country is a great honour and being there and hearing the anthem will definitely give me the chills.

What are your expectations for Denver?

I expect to bring our best to Denver. We will bring the best team The Netherlands ever did and we will show the world that we are a serious threat.

How do you interpret “Destination Denver and Beyond”?

I think the program is doing a great job looking in to the future. This program is not only about one tournament, but also about developing lacrosse in our country.

Lionel van Est

Introducing Jimmy van de Veerdonk

Name: Jimmy van de Veerdonk
Position: Midfield
Currently playing at:
Played at: SUNY Oneonta, Putnam Valley HS

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live? What do you do in daily life? When did you start playing lacrosse?

I live in Putnam Valley New York where I have grown up. I graduated from SUNY Oneonta, where I earned a Bachelor of Science degree. I work for my fathers general contracting company in manhattan, I am working hard and pursing to own myself one day. I like to keep myself active in adrenaline sports like snowboarding, surfing, wake-boarding, snowmobiling, dirt-biking. I started playing lacrosse when I was 10 years old, and have been fully committed ever since. Played lacrosse at Putnam Valley High School in New York where I earned ALL-American. I played lacrosse in college at SUNY Oneonta a state school in New York where I earned two time ALL- American, second team my junior year and honorable mention my senior year. I have a lot of support from my family, mom dad two brothers sister and fiancé.

Congratulations with your spot on the team! What was the first thing you did when you heard?

First thing I did was call my family and let them know the great news.

What are you most looking forward to in Denver?

Playing lacrosse with players from all around the world.

What are your expectations for Denver?

Have a great time playing lacrosse and have one of the best experiences.

How do you interpret the 2014 MDNT motto “Destination Denver and Beyond”?


Jimmy van de Veerdonk

Introducing Rick van Kruchten

Name: Rick van Kruchten
Position: Midfield
Currently playing at: Amsterdam Lions
Played at: Crazy Cows, Groningen Gladiators, Turku Titans, MDNT ’10, ‘12

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live? What do you do in daily life? When did you start playing lacrosse?

I started playing lacrosse in 2007 when I was studying in Groningen, where I played for three years before I moved to Amsterdam to finish my master Human Movement Sciences. In Amsterdam I joined the Lions, the team I currently play for. I’ve been a member of the Dutch National Team at the World Cup in Manchester (2010) and at the European Championships in Amsterdam (2012).

Congratulations with your spot on the team! What was the first thing you did when you heard?

Called my mom to tell her the good news.

What are you most looking forward to in Denver?

Playing at the highest level in Denver, USA. They love lacrosse there, which should make it an unforgettable experience.

What are your expectations for Denver?

At the last WC we finished 8th. Four years later, with the team and coaching staff we have now I expect us to at least match that performance.

How do you interpret the 2014 MDNT motto “Destination Denver and Beyond”?

I’m excited to see we are not solely working with projects (championships) anymore, but that there is also going to be attention for continued development of the best players of the country. Going to Denver is going to be huge for the program, but what we take back form that, and what we do with that afterwards, is equally important.

Rick van Kruchten


Introducing Erwin Lijklema

Name: Erwin Lijklema
Position: Midfield
Currently playing at: Domstad Devils – Utrecht Lacrosse
Previously played at: MDNT U19

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live? What do you do in daily life? When did you start playing lacrosse?

I’m 23 years old right now and I graduated as a first degree English teacher in January. I currently live in Utrecht, right near the beautiful city centre. I started playing about a year after I started studying here, in 2009. I’ve had some wonderful seasons with the team, reaching the final four every year but coming up short for the final. We hope to change that this year! When I’m not busy with lacrosse I teach English at a high school in Zeist. I love music, hanging around with friends and next to field practice I also like running or hitting the gym.

Congratulations with your spot on the team! What was the first thing you did when you heard?

We were in the locker room after training with the Utrecht squad, so the first thing I did was check whether any other teammates had been selected. One was, so we celebrated together!

What are you most looking forward to in Denver?

The atmosphere of playing on the world stage. I’ve been to an U19 World Championship in Finland, which was amazing. Now I get the opportunity to go to a senior Championship in the USA.

What are your expectations for Denver?

My expectations are set on us maintaining the spot that we have conquered. More importantly I want us to consolidate as a team and set the future for the next Dutch National team.

How do you interpret the 2014 MDNT motto “Destination Denver and Beyond”?

I think the set-up is great this year. The vision of the board is clear and oriented towards a more sustainable and long-term goal. The fact that these tournaments are presented as initiatives within a greater organisation is a very smart move in my opinion.

Erwin Lijklema